Sunday, February 13, 2011

The state of markets

Inviato il 4 December 2010 da Rod

The Euro shows a bit of relief after the Irish bailout, even if the fear of contagion in Spain is real. There are a number of significant data to be considered for our currency. Germany will issue its GDP for the third quarter, in addition to the index of consumer confidence. These data favor only the concern about the gap between the results of the best countries in the region, Germany, and those who are now getting worse, namely Greece and Ireland.
The British pound had a good performance against the euro. However, against the dollar and yen currency is aligned around a level of risk. With heavy exposure to Ireland, the UK is already taking advantage of the weight attached by its austerity measures. In the event that such concerns were to expand, the third-quarter GDP data may lead to some significant surprises.
In Canada, though officials have worked to defuse the political, the Canadian dollar is still a currency risk.
We know that the Japanese yen is seen as a safe haven. However, in a market where all the functions and values of the market are related, an increase in risk tolerance indicates that the stimuli can be made by the BoJ.
The New Zealand dollar confirmed what Moody’s said, but the market remains in doubt. New Zealand was one of the currencies that PIA has lost during the session, because of the combination of different trends of the risk, without going to see in detail what are the big trends, you should go see how your New Zealand dollar will move against the U.S.. In any case, for those who want to invest in this currency, the rating agency Moody’s says that this is a relatively strong.

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